Adding product identifiers to variations

I understand that Ebay will be requiring all listings to have product identifiers as of September 2017.

I’m presently using “Does not Apply” in the Barcode field - this is available in Garagesale on single items and in variations.

I understand these product identifiers can be just a manufacturers number. I can easily get these for most items - and add to single item listings. In multiitem listings each item but each variation has a different manufacturers number.

I tried putting these in the barcode field but Ebay won’t accept it.

Anyone else a bit flummoxed?

Please let us know which version of GarageSale you have installed. (Just select ‘About GarageSale’ from the ‘GarageSale’ menu in GarageSale.)

Also, how eactly does eBay not accept your barcodes? Do you get an error? If so, what error?

Where exactly did you enter the barcodes? In the Barcode field or in the item specific panel maybe?

Regards, Kristian

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