Automatic relisting also when GS is turned off?

I have a question, does GS automatically relists (if that field is marked) also if it is turned off? Or does it relists as soon as I switch on my computer and open the application?

Thank you in advance for any info

No. We had this idea of adding an online service, which can do some of theses things will GarageSale is not running. Not sure if this would be something our user would want.

The relist will happen as soon as GarageSale has received data from eBay.

Hello @ilja , why do you think users won’t appreciate it?

Because we would need to setup a powerful (or possibly several) server, so we can process all the incoming changes from eBay. So, this service would probably come with a monthly price. Not everybody would be willing to pay for this, so I’m not sure that starting working on this would make sense.

Ah now I see! Thank you for your explanation!

Have a good evening

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