Best Offer Not Working

Even duplicating an older listing with best offer selected, it grays out and isn’t available.
Was working this morning, now isn’t.
Using 9.3 Pro.

It depends on the eBay category if BO is available, or not.
Maybe your eBay category data is out-dated and needs to be updated.

Please give this a try:

  1. Open the GarageSale preferences > Accounts. Click on “Refresh Token” to refresh your eBay access token.
  2. If done, select one of the listings in question and open the category browser. In that browser click on the sprocket icon to update the category data.
  3. Check the category and BO afterwards

I tried that as instructed, but to no avail.

Did eBay change the categories that ‘Best Offer’ was allowed in? Up until yesterday, I was able to select best offer in collectables > tool, hardware, locks > antique, same as vintage factory manufactured folding now I can’t select best offer.

Thanks Carey

I don’t have this category here (eBay USA). Are you using eBay USA also and are you sure you updated the eBay category data manually?

I checked collectables > tool, hardware, locks > locks, keys (3557)

and for me Best Offer is available there.

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