Can't open the app with new version 8

I downloaded GS 8 directly from the app on my iMac. I’ve followed the instructions and the system loaded correctly the old database from GS7. After that I tried to open the app but it can’t open the main window. I can see the menu bar but nothing more. I tried to open “preferences” or “new listing” but nothing, no windows showed. I tried to buy or update the license but the app crashes instantly. I really need to fix this now. I’m using GS to work and I have more that 1000 listings active. Please let me know.

I think you already contacted me through our support channel.
Removing the folder “ImageServers.leveldb” from your GarageSale 8 database seemed to have fix the issue, right?
UPDATE: It didn’t fix the issue.

Regards, Kristian

I’m guessing that something in the GS7 to GS8 database conversion went wrong, and GS8 cannot cope with an unknown error in the converted database.

Can you check how big your GarageSale 7 database directory is, so we can determine if its feasible to send it to use via DropBox?

  1. Start GS 7
  2. Select “Help” menu > “Open Library Folder”
  3. Check the size of the “GarageSale.leveldb” directory

Ok. The size of “GarageSale.leveldb" is 234,1 MB.

I sent the file you requested using WeTransfer. Please let me know because I really need to use GarageSale for my business.

I have sent three email yesterday but no answer. Please let me know because I really need to use GarageSale for my business.

Thank you.

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