Convert old data from version 8.0.3

I have an old Imac that will no longer update its operating system from High Sierra. Ended up buying a new MacBook Air, installed the latest version of Garage Sale, but the items from my old Imac won’t seem to transfer? At this point, every time I try and open Garage Sale on my old Imac, it shuts down immediately? How can I get this data transferred??? Please help me. Thank you.

  1. GarageSale 8 is too old and no longer compatible with an eBay API, hence these crashes.
    The solution is to upgrade to GarageSale 9, for which we re-built the internal attribute system to cope with this API change.
    Find more details about what’s new on our website here:
  1. You need to transfer your previous GarageSale 8 database to your new Mac, if not there already. On first launch(!) GS9 will ask you to import your GarageSale 8 database so you shouldn’t lose any work:

I hope that the database of the old GarageSale 8.0.3 isn’t too old for the database importer in GarageSale 9… (The last version of GarageSale is 8.4.1.)

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