Does Garage Sale even work with ebay anymore?

I have been notified that I have 101 listings that must have links removed by eBay. I laboriously went through them, removing the Garage Sale Footer which I thought was the offending piece but now it appears that it is the clickable images that are in Garage Sale that enlarge and are links! I am really ready to toss in the towel here. How do I change the pictures so that they are not considered links? Is this possible in anyway, hopefully bulk?

thanks, this fixed about half of my listings when I revised them after I downloaded 7.09 and revised but I still have 50 listings that I have revised with 7.09 that have clickable images. Any ideas?, change something in the design store with images?

Can you please send me a link to one of these listings so I can have a closer look at it?

Are you using a design from the Design Store? If so you need to re-download it from there to get the latest version:
Select “Show Design Templates” (Window menu), click on the cart icon in the toolbar and enter the transaction ID to re-download your design(s).

Regards, Kristian

Kristen, not clear on how to do this. I can open the design store and can open the window for transaction id but don’t know what to do next. Am I supposed to enter the transaction ID for every listing that eBay has flagged for links? Isn’t there a way to update these templates so that it doesn’t happen from this way forward? I have spent a frustrating weekend trying to do different things to get this going again

No, you just need to enter the transaction id of the design purchase. You find it in the confirmation that you got from us after the purchase. If you don’t find it, please contact the support:

Also, I’ll try to make it more clear in the help how to re-download a design.

Regards, Kristian

I found my transaction # but get this error message after entering it:

The image didn’t make it through but I guess you got a “Download Failed” message? If so can you please contact the GarageSale support and send the transaction ID?

Regards, Kristian

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