Does GS 7 Have a FIND & REPLACE Function?

Is there a FIND & REPLACE function in this version?

The FIND in the upper right hand corner works well for simple finds, but I have more than 300 pages which need a change in return policy and am overwhelmed.

Sorry, GarageSale 7 does not have find and replace yet. But even if it had, it would most likely only work in the description field, and not for all text containers, like the return instructions.

If all of your 300 listings are using the exact same return policy, have you tried bulk changing the return policy once? You can select any number of listing by holding down the shift key when clicking and invoke the Return Policy panel. Of course, when clicking “OK” in that panel, all listing will use the exact same Return Policy, which might not be what you want.

Yes, I tried that. A few times. (It used to work like that in 6, so I figured it might in 7.)

No go.

I finished manually changing them, but that took a while.


we will look into this. It is possible that you make a short screencast of what happens when you try to bulk-edit the return policy?



I could not reproduce this here. Could it be possible that you did not select all listings in the overview on the right before editing the return policies?


Probably, the current behaviour of having to select in left pane, then again in right, seems very counter intuitive.

I have no idea how to do that, but let me see if I can find out and send you one.

Open the “QuickTime Player” Application, and choose “File” menu > “New Screen Recording”. Once you have the file recorded, please upload it to Dropbox or YouTube, as it is probably too big to be uploaded to this forum directly.

Thank you, Paul.

In this video, I tried three different ways, and – well, you’ll see.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding how it’s supposed to work.


I was referring to bulk-changing the return instructions of the selected listings, not to search for the find and replace functionality (what GarageSale 7 does not support yet, as Ilja said).
