eBay Error 240 The item cannot be listed or modified


Today I encountered this problem for the first time - given that I have been using Garagesale for several years already.

I read a special section available in the help regarding this eBay error:

But I did not find a solution there.

My problem is that I can not start new listing through Garagesale. Given that through the site of eBay the same listing start without any problems.

Listing revise still work without any problems through Garagesale.

I can not do just one thing - starting a new listing on eBay - eBay Error 240.

Tell me please, what should I do now?


Hi Artel,

are you sure you checked and tried everything listed on that help page?

Regards, Kristian

Hi Kristian,

I think yes. Because I started the same listing with the same settings through the eBay site without any problems.


You should check/try all listed steps anyway. As it reads on that page:

“Please note: If you use a third party listing tool like GarageSale, eBay makes use of content filters to make sure you don’t use prohibited terms or code. eBay doesn’t seem to use such restrictive filters if you list through their website. That’s why you sometimes don’t get this error there.”

Regards, Kristian

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