Editing Smart Groups

  1. Select SmartGroup so all all the items in this group are shown in the righthand pane.
  2. Edit some of the items in the smart group such they are no longer valid for the smart group.
  3. The number of items in the smart group total is reduced but the items remain in the right hand pane.

Is this the desired effect? It would better suit if they disappeared from the right hand pane as well.


Did you try to select another smart group and then again that one, are still shown those listings?

Thanks for your suggestion. That is the method I have been using but it would be much better if the process was dynamic and the listings just disappeared from the group.


This is not an ideal solution, but that’s the one we chose to stick with for now. If we were to update the right hand content view automatically, all sorts of things could happen, e.g. you could change a listings title so it is not included in the smart group anymore.

Getting this right takes some time, we didn’t want to invest at the moment, given all the other stuff on our to do list.

Fair enough.

Can we have a HOTKEY to refresh it?


Repeating my unanswered question.

Fair enough.

Can we have a HOTKEY to refresh it?


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