False Feedback Left

Three times now GS7 has for no reason activated the ‘Feedback Left’. It grays out and so I have to go to eBay to leave feedback. 2 screen shots enclosed. You can see the item shows no feedback on eBay.
It possibly occurs when I check ‘Payment instructions sent’ - I use this so I know I sent the customer an email with the tracking number. (Items shipped and items paid would be checked as expected). It doesn’t happen every time.


Is there anything special about these orders? Can you recall if the “Feedback Left” checkbox become ticked and disabled right away after the order was imported, or did it happen later on?

Happens right away. Nothing special, and no importing. I BELIEVE it happens during a message send, or when I check ‘Payment Instructions Sent’, sort of right in front of me. I’ll start paying more attention to see if I can pin it down better.


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