GarageSale 6.9.5 Released


updating GarageSale won’t remove your GarageSale database. Your GarageSale data will remain.
It’s a good idea to make system backups anyway.

Regards, Kristian

These payment profiles are managed on the eBay website.

Can you give me more context about what kind of item you are deleting?

How could such an old basic Mac platform feature such as dragging photos be such a problem for this? How about we concentrate on ONE version of MAC OS (10.7? ) and make GS the best application it can be instead of chasing the dragon. that might be a smart move.

Seems Apple released with buggy drag & drop support. Not much we can do about it.

Everybody has a different idea what a “decent” OS X version is. Btw, hardly anyone is using 10.7 by now.