GarageSale 6.9.6 Beta 5 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

GarageSale 6.9.6 Beta 5 is available for you to download from this URL:

###What’s new in this beta version:

  • fixed an eBay error when submitting listings with variations in categories supporting barcodes
  • fixed listing description import when using ‘Import from My eBay’ feature
  • fixed format of category ID field in category panel
  • added support multiple value, user-defined specifics
  • fixed a bug in the ‘barcode’ AppleScript command
  • users can iterate over a template’s custom specifics using the ‘previewSpecifics’ MiscMerge command
  • added an AppleScript command to set custom specifics
  • enabled calculated shipping for eBay UK, added missing shipping services

###What’s new in GarageSale 6.9.6:

  • embedding YouTube videos in eBay listings works again after YouTube API change
  • imports condition, condition description and item specifics when creating listing templates from existing listings on eBay
  • added support for eBay’s new barcode policy
  • performance improvements
  • doesn’t send subtitle to eBay that only consist of whitespace characters
  • media browser window hides when app switches to background
  • TurboLister import is less picky about line ending type in CSV files
  • ‘Create Templates’ button in eBay Import Panel is now updated after ‘Select All’ is clicked

###System Requirements:

  • GarageSale 6.9.6 requires an Intel Mac running OS X 10.9 or later.


GarageSale 6.9.6 is free update for GarageSale 6 users.

Thanks for using GarageSale,
Ilja on behalf of the whole GS team


users can iterate over a template’s custom specifics using the ‘previewSpecifics’ MiscMerge command

Can you please elaborate and be more specific on this change???

I cannot find “previewSpecifics” nor “MiscMerge” in the GarageSale 6.9.6 Beta 5 AppleScript Dictionary…


Sorry for being unclear.

You can now use the [[previewSpecifics]] command in your item description, like this:


[[foreach attr item.previewSpecifics attLoop]] [[endforeach attLoop]]
[[]] [[attr.value]]

This way you can include your specifics in your listing description, too.