GarageSale 7 Script Help


Can you guys share a script to add a Starting Bid amount based on the current Buy It Now Price?
I wrote a similar one for Garage Sale 6.

I had one that allow me decrease/increase the Starting Bid amount by Percentage.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


first, grab Beta 21 as it includes some performance enhancements for AppleScript. Here is an example AppleScript that changes the starting bid of the selected listings:

tell application "GarageSale"
    repeat with theListing in (get selected ebay listings)
	set the starting bid price of theListing to 12.0
    end repeat
end tell

If you get weird four letter codes insert into the script, make sure that there’s no copy of GarageSale 6 on your Mac, as the Script Editor application gets confused by two applications named GarageSale on your Mac.

Compressing your copy of GS 6 as a .zip file is a good way to hide it from Script Editor without deleting it completely.

Thank you, I will use it soon. I will let u know how it works out.