GarageSale 8.0.7 Released

Dear GarageSale Users,

GarageSale 8.0.7 is out and can be downloaded from the link below or the built-in updater

What’s new in GarageSale 8.0.7

  • popup menus for shipping services now show the last 5 most recently selected services at the top
  • bulk search & replace window remembers the last used search scope (entire library vs. current selection)
  • added commands for hiding listings with or without errors to the Launch Control window’s context menu
  • GarageSale now permits using more than 25 attributes in a listing
  • fixed a bug in the Attributes panel, where previous edits where lost once you removed a specific, while the panel was not torn-off
  • fixed a bug where the Preview would not immediately reload when the Attribute panel closed
  • Synching: fixed a possible crash

System Requirements

  • GarageSale 8 requires OS X 10.12 or later

Thanks for using GarageSale!

Updated. Sync fail again.

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