GarageSale 9 crashes whenever an auction is started

OK, this just started happening a little bit ago. I had been listing just fine this morning but all the sudden every time I tried to list an auction the program would crash right after I press the “Start Listing” button. When I bring it back up it doesn’t give a crash notification and it seems to come back up quickly. I have tried several different listings and it does it every time, sometimes the listing goes live other times it does not. The crash reporter gives the following code: 5e74b05874bc0c6fbad90c72c74de1d9.

We are using the current version (9.0.5) after having to update it about a month ago (due to GS 7 no longer working at all).


can you please look whether the recent beta version does fix this issue?


That seems to have fixed it for now. I only had one error where it couldn’t upload the photos to your server, but worked fine the second time I tried to list. I’ll update if I have any further issues.

Still confused as to why it started behaving that way to begin with. I had listed about 4 auctions earlier with no issues, then the next ones would cause the program to crash as soon as it started uploading the auction after hitting the “Start Auction” button in the Launch Control window. I had had no real issues with that version (well other than problems when viewing zoomed pictured from the Media browser which never happened in GS7).

Just a little update. I decided to switch back to the retail version the day after and it seems to be working properly again. Since the crashing resulted just after the auction upload started, I figure that the issue was either on eBay’s end or that of your Image Server (I never tried switching that to eBay’s as a test as I didn’t think of it then). Just thought I’d pass that information along to help your guys troubleshoot it and prevent it from happening again if possible.

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