Getting This Pop Up Error Message When Adding Tracking


Using 9.2.1 (1503)


here is what eBay says about this error:,the%20request%20should%20go%20through.

And I know that this is not the answer you want to hear. Seems eBay has something messed up when they did the changes for the “USPS Ground Advantage” migration.

We already contacted eBay about this error and are still waiting for an answer/fix.


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Thank you Paul for the explanation. Appreciate it.

Same here, also using the latest beta-version of GS and after updating the ebay-token.
Interesting point is that in our case, the tracking number is transferred correctly (DHL), its the feedback that isn´t. So when I try to give the feedback within GS, it always shows the mentioned popup, even when the tracking-number is already successfully transferred.


did this fix itself in the last few days? eBay changed the state of the ticket to Waiting-BugFix, which means the issue was moved to their developer team for a fix.


Today everything wen through fine, without any error messages.

Beste Grüße
Markus Wick

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Thanks Paul, the error is no longer there.

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