GS does not launch scheduled auctions

I am having this issue with scheduled auctions to start at 9.00 pm. I leave the Mac on, launch panel is opened and auctions are set to start. Preferences (saving energy) are set in order to avoid the Mac going to sleep mode and I also enabled that option in GS preferences. I leave GS opened, Mac on, but there is not a monitor since I just sign in from remote. If I schedule auctions, GS actually does not start auctions. There is the red icon, but if I move the mouse over the error icon, no message appears so I actually don’t know why it was not started. If I manually launch the auction, it starts with no issue. I think it has to do with the sleep mode, but I actually cannot figure out any solution.
I hope someone here could help me.

Thank you

Schermata 2022-09-20 alle 21.14.47

I think we just figured this out recently and have a fix since yesterday:

It turned out that on some Macs (none of ours), GarageSale can no longer access passwords and access tokens when the screen lock is active. We have no clue why that is, but it took as a while to figure this and change the code, so the GarageSale stays functional.

This version should no longer be affected by this issue:

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Thank you so much Ilja, I will check directly this evening at 9 pm when auctions are scheduled. I will let you know if it works.

Great Ilja! It worked. I hope it will work also next evening, I will inform you if anything happens. Thanks for the fix!

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