GS7 Product information search returns limited or no product information

GS 7.0.9(811)
What I’ve done so far…

eBay USA selected everywhere I can find
re-downloaded categories everywhere I can find

MY EXAMPLE: I want to list a Garmin vivosmart activity tracker (purple)

Start a new listing
Select Product Information
Enter “Garmin” in Search product or enter barcode area
Here I get back product information concerning Garmin GPS devices (no vivosmart)

Clear and try again
Enter “vivosmart” in Search product or enter barcode area
Here I get back nothing

Picked a Category where I know other vivosmart devices are listed in eBay USA
Same results

Now I want to see if there are really anything out there
So I use GarageBuy as a search tool with eBay USA selected
Enter “Garmin” in Search area
Here I get back all kind of product information concerning Garmin including GPS and vivosmart data

Enter “vivosmart” in Search area
Here I get back all kind of product information on vivosmart devices

I’ve tried re-importing product information from eBay USA
I’ve tried refreshing my id token

Is there anything else I can do to clear all the product data on my computer and reload it fresh from eBay USA?

Thanks in advance.

As far as I can tell the “Vivosmart” is not in eBay’s product catalog. :frowning:

The product information you see in GarageBuy has been most likely entered by the sellers manually, and not profiled with catalog information my eBay.

I tried listing an a “Garmin vivosmart” on the eBay website, and while eBay was able to suggest a category there, all the attributes information was missing.

Thanks for looking into this for me.

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