How do I add some of my Unsold listings in ebay to Garagesale for future use?

How do I add some of my Unsold listings in ebay to Garagesale for future use? I have some small items that I list seasonally. I’d like to save them for future use. Thank you.

Import from “My eBay” under archive > import , then leave it in a folder

I see that. This will give me copies of current listings that have gone through Garage Sale app but not older listings on my ebay account before Garage Sale use.

With this method would I only be able to bring them into Garage sale, AFTERI have listed them again. I’d like not to incur that cost or sue of free listings?

Sorry, we can only retrieve listing that were started within a certain timeframe (60 days if I recall correctly) from eBay.

So from my understanding Garage sale can no do what I need for it to do? if the lisings are older than 60 days and are not currently active?

Consider that after a certain time, the listing is deleted also from ebay itself…

Correct. That’s a limitation of eBay’s third party interface, we unfortunately cannot work around, unless your re-list these listing once again with the eBay website. This way a new listing is created that falls into the 60 day timeframe that eBay lets us access.

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