How does Garagesale B/U work?

Try as I might I cannot figure out how to backup my templates nor how to retrueve them from the Garagesale B/U files in my library! I’ve twice lost a large group of my templates and need to find a way to keep this from happening again. I’ve searched all the help files and manuals, etc. and cannot find this information. Someone please help me!

Thank You,

What I do is select the ones you want to back up on the left under TEMPLATES, go to FILE>EXPORT TEMPLATES, then check the box that says CREATE SEPARATE FILE FOR EACH TEMPLATE. this will create a file for each template, which you can file as you see fit, then you can delete the template, and reimport from the export file as you need. Play around with it and see if it works for you (just don’t delete anything until you are happy with the results). I do this, and if I need an old template, I just search my mac for it and then import it.


Thank you, I’ll give it a whirl!
