How to change color of the bottom bar?

I am loosing my time or is it possible in some way changing that horrible black of the bottom bar in each listing? Please give a look, the bar is in the very bottom area with the written "Visita il nostro negozio… " ( ). I would like to make it dark red 8as the title background), black is awful… but I don’t understand how to do. I suppose I will need to put some code into the footer in preferences… maybe @kristian may give me a help :grin: ?

Thank you

No one can help me :cry: ??

Wouldn’t that have to do with the design you’re using?

Hello @Michelle , partially. In my design (Urban: pro) there is no option to change that color, but I am sure there must be some code to put into the footer in advanced setting which does the trick. Maybe @kristian:innocent:

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