Import old listings with ending .garageSale to GS 9

As the title says, I want to import some old listings from 2014. Is there a way?

You can import exported GarageSale listings by using the “Import” command:

Regards, Kristian

I tried this, but the .garageSale files are greyed out.

Where do you have this file from?
It’s not an exported GarageSale 8 or 9 listing file. Those have the suffix “.gslisting”.

The file is from an old back up from 2014. This might be from GS 4.

OK. That might be too old for GarageSale 9.
I can’t promise anything but maybe that file can be imported with GarageSale 7 (and then exported to a “.gslisting”). Can you post the file so I can try it here?

Regards, Kristian

That’s very kind, thank you Kristian.
Here is the link to the file (it’s several listings which can’t be separated), 280MB.

GarageSale 7 seems to be able to import the files by using the Import command from the FILE menu. At least it’s selectable when choosing this command.

You should give it a try. You can still download the old version of GarageSale 7 from here:

If successful, export the listings by using GarageSale7’s export command. Then import it in GarageSale 9.

Hope this helps,

Downloaded and installed. When I try to import it it says: Could not import listings from file (null) and nothing happens.

Tried to connect my Ebay-account but also did not help.

If possible could you export the listing to me so I could download them for GS 9? Thank you

For me it took a while but finally imported 46 listings (Ray Ban). Can you please give it another try? Just select the “.garageSale” file that you sent me.

Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 17.45.56

Do you get the same error message? I get it twice after i try importing the file.

I didn’t get this error at all. However, I’ll try to send you the exported file via WeTransfer.

Currently uploading. You should receive a mail from WeTransfer with a download link very soon. Once downloaded you need to unzip the file.

Regards, Kristian

Thank you very much Kristian, it worked. Will make sure to have updated backups for the future.

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