Importing 9.0.5 .gslisting Files Into 7.0.21

I was trying to import some listings into 7 that were exported from 9 as .gslisting files.

Only a few were imported at the bottom of the vertical left column of 7.

A few more were imported but there was indication the import was successful as they were invisible. If you searched for them you could view them but once the search was cleared they could not seen again. These only became visible when you searched for them and deleted them and became part of the Deleted Listings.

GarageSale 9 (and GarageSale 8) uses a newer/another data format than the old GarageSale 7. So, as far as I know GarageSale 7 can’t handle these newer files.

I am surprised that GarageSale 7 tried to import them at all.

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