Is JS access to userProperties working in GS9.3?

Yes I was just coming back to provide this.

OK so… thanks? But also meh?

I mean, yes it is a fix for now, but it’s sort of magical handwaving isn’t it? Pulling a coin out of your ear. Why should a script have to duplicate the listing’s map, change that, and then replace the original with the new one?

BTW, the same trick also works fine with the JS I provided. The problem is not the syntax I used, but rather that the User Properties map does not have a working setter in the app. In other words, you cannot set a particular user property, you can only replace the entire user properties map.


This minor improvement of my older code also works:

function run(){	
	var these = selectedListings;
	let targetKey = "CBLOCATION";
	let newValue = "BK01";
	these.forEach((listing) => {
		var updatedProperties = listing.userProperties;
		updatedProperties[targetKey] = newValue;
		listing.userProperties = updatedProperties;
		consoleLog(listing.title + " : " + listing.userProperties[targetKey]);