Is JS access to userProperties working in GS9.3?

Trying to run the following simple script, and nothing is changing in the listings I’ve selected. The manual says get/set both should work for both listings and inventory items. Am I missing something?

function run(){	
	let these = selectedListings;
	these.forEach((listing) => {
		listing.userProperties["CBLOCATION"] = "BK01";
		consoleLog(listing.title + " : " + listing.userProperties["CBLOCATION"]);
        // just checking! and lucky thing, too!

When I run this, I get the titles, but nothing has changed in userProperties. I also cannot add a new key-value pair.

In other words, it seems like this should work for anybody; it should (1) set the value of a key called “CBLOCATION” whether that exists or not, and (2) read the updated value and print it.

Something seems to have changed (in macOS?), that prevents the JavaScript engine from changing a listing’s userProperties. I’ve slightly tweaked the whitelist of what listing properties are readable/writeable from JavaScript, and now it seems to work again as intended.

Fix will probably be in 9.3.1 release, let’s if there are other low hanging fruits to be picked.

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While toying around and I discovered the problem might be with your particular JavaScript. Can you run this code and see if it works as intended?

function run(){
	for (listing of selectedListings) {
	  var userProps = {"CBLOCATION" : "BK01" };
	  listing.userProperties = userProps;
		consoleLog(listing.title + " : " + listing.userProperties["CBLOCATION"]);

Well it completely replaces the entire userProperties map, destroying any other key-value pairs that have been set.

That’s easily fixed:

function run(){
	for (listing of selectedListings) {
	  var userProps = listing.userProperties;
	  userProps["CBLOCATION2"] =  "BK01";
	  listing.userProperties = userProps;
		consoleLog(listing.title + " : " + listing.userProperties["CBLOCATION2"]);
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Yes I was just coming back to provide this.

OK so… thanks? But also meh?

I mean, yes it is a fix for now, but it’s sort of magical handwaving isn’t it? Pulling a coin out of your ear. Why should a script have to duplicate the listing’s map, change that, and then replace the original with the new one?

BTW, the same trick also works fine with the JS I provided. The problem is not the syntax I used, but rather that the User Properties map does not have a working setter in the app. In other words, you cannot set a particular user property, you can only replace the entire user properties map.


This minor improvement of my older code also works:

function run(){	
	var these = selectedListings;
	let targetKey = "CBLOCATION";
	let newValue = "BK01";
	these.forEach((listing) => {
		var updatedProperties = listing.userProperties;
		updatedProperties[targetKey] = newValue;
		listing.userProperties = updatedProperties;
		consoleLog(listing.title + " : " + listing.userProperties[targetKey]);

Here is some low hanging fruit to be picked. Quantity is all moved to zero (0) during an automatic end and restart listing scenario in listings with variations in 9.3.

The current behavior is owed to the fact, the the userProperties dictionary is a temporary object, which is derived on the fly from GarageSale’s internal representation.

So unless you re-set that dictionary in your listing after modifications with something like listing.userProperties = userProps, your changes will get lost.

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Thanks for the heads up. Do you know if your variations are linked to inventory items through their SKUs?

No, I don’t use inventory in the sku

Got it! It does the job, and I do appreciate your help.

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