No Indication of Search or Search Progress

In GarageSale 7.15 I’m not seeing any indicator of a search under way, the left side is just blank until the searched items appear or just stays blank if nothing is found. There is no indication a search is under way or that nothing was found if that’s the case. I have a huge database and search has always been extremely slow, but now I have no idea what is going on during a search. Can you help?



Thanks, we’ll look into this. A “Searching” label should be displayed while the search is ongoing. :thinking:

That “progress” indicator stopped showing up a few versions ago…

I thought it was probably intentionally removed since it was consuming too much “search cpu time”…


Hi Jay,

Just curious, How big is your “huge database”??

I have 25975 listings and 19977 orders…
Below is the AppleScript I used to get these numbers.


tell application "GarageSale"
	set listingCount to (count of every ebay listing) as string
	set orderCount to (count of every ebay order) as string
end tell
display dialog "The count of listings and orders are:" default answer listingCount & ", " & orderCount


Here’s what your AppleScript returned: 74166, 14179. I think the order number is extremely low due to how we do some things here. The listing number seems about right.


The spinner should be shown again in this fix release:

Thank you, I’ll give it a try.


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