Paypal fees not udating in reports

Hi ,

My paypal fees are not updating or appearing in the reports.

I have checked and tested my Api credentials ,
I even removed them from paypal and re did them and still no change.

Hitting update auction states or update missing fees doesn’t work.

Any ideas ?

Im using GaragSale 6.9.5(612)



I am having the same issue, could someone please knowledge us on the problem?

Thank you!


Yep ,

Iv tried everything still no paypal fees in my reports ,

That makes the profit figures wrong

@ Iwascoding please help


@IwasCoding , Please help with this …

Paypal recently announced changes from verisign G2 to G5 , and mention that anyone using Paypal API without
the changes to G5 will encounter errors …

Could This mean GarageSale Needs to be updated to fix this problem ?


Hi Guys ,

I have paypal fees working now …

Im not entirely sure of what exactly fixed it …

But …

With the help of Kristian , the logs showed that paypal was rejecting the request certificate …
So I removed AVAST security , and little snitch … problem still there …

I updated safari in apple update and also removed the api credentials from paypal profile selling tools (paypal site)
and re requested API credentials.

entered them into paypal and after updating auction states and fees , paypal fees worked.

So It could be a combination or just by updating safari. not sure.