Report out ALL orders in GS Reports

In Oct. 2018, someone asked about getting the GS Report to pull and print out ALL orders, even those not started within GS. The user was advised to import using “Import from myEbay”.

I am using GS 8.0.11 (1151) and I’m having the same issue–except that using the import function doesn’t resolve. I still have more orders each month than are showing up on the Report, which obviously is not helpful.

The user was also advised about a hidden setting: “There is an option hidden beneath the sprocket to only show listing not yet known to GarageSale yet.” But I cannot find a “sprocket” in GS 8.0.11??

Can anyone advise what I should be doing? Thanks!

You find this option in the “Import from eBay” panel at the bottom left. There’s a checkbox called “Hide already imported listings”. Please also see the help here:

GarageSale can only show orders for active/ended listing that exist in GarageSale. That’s why importing missing listing might solve the issue with the missing orders.

Refreshing the eBay access token(s) in the GarageSale preferences > Account
and selecting “Update All Listings”/“Update All Orders” from the Listing/Order menu might be helpful, too.

Regards, Kristian

Thanks, Kristan!

Perhaps a cross-reference to these details in the Reports section of the Help might be helpful. I was looking there rather than in the Import section.

Apparently I need to examine my workflow and see why so many of my listings are not in GS (need to import more often?)

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