Store Categories

Can I access my own (created) Ebay store categories through GS8?

yes. Every one on my list was created by me and is on the list in GS8 including categories and all sub categories.

Where about do you see your own store categories? Damned if I can see mine. Do I need to tell GS to look for them?


Just click on the “Store Category” drop down menu in the “Options” Inspector.

Regards, Kristian

Staring em in the face. Thanks Kristian

One further question. How do I see Store sub-categories?

I have performed the Update Categories.


Your store sub-categories should appear in the “Store Category” drop down menu that you was showing.
It might be required that you hit the “Update Account Details” button in the GarageSale preferences > Accounts.

Regards, Kristian

Thanks again Kristian. That fixed it.


At time time down the track would it be possible to add the “download ebay store categories”

![Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 1.49.32 pm|1024x590](up


this check box to the Inspector

  1. It would save jumping around after making a Store Category change


  1. I guess it is not really a Preference


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