Store Category Colours

Hi guys

Just wondering if it was possible have the different levels of categories in different colours? I find it a bit hard to follow once I progress beyond 2 levels

Cheers David

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Any comments GS Help Team?

I don’t think it makes sense to add a different text color there but maybe it’s possible to add a bullet (circle) icon in front of second level categories? @ilja

Regards, Kristian

I am not sure why you say different colours do not make sense, Kristian, but bullets would certainly help.

Regards David

| kristian
March 23 |

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I don’t think it makes sense to add a different text color there but maybe it’s possible to add a bullet (circle) icon in front of second level categories? @ilja

Regards, Kristian

Or maybe we need to replace/add or different interface element for the store categories? Something like the regular eBay category browser interface? Maybe that’s easier to navigate than popup buttons for complex store structure?

Not sure what you mean. Can you point me to an example?

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