Store Name & Categories Non-Existent (Nightmare, Part III)

@kristian, this happened once before, and you did something with eBay to get it fixed.

I have had to start some listings from scratch, and two days ago, I started a listing, but the store name and categories, which are supposed to fill in from eBay information, still haven’t filled in.

I’ve tried refreshing the access token, updating Account Details, and going to the Store Management page – which is where they’re supposed to take it from – and re-inputting the Name and Logo.

But while I was there, I found it seems my luck is just following me!

That eBay page shows absolutely zero listings from me. That’s wrong, as I have 300 current listings. eBay shows in other places that I have listings, just not there.

I am so ready to cry. I can’t tackle another nightmare!

What do I do?

Screenshot of the bottom of the management page, where my listings should be:

Hi Michelle,

I am sorry to hear :frowning:
I have no means to access the eBay system so there’s no way for me to figure out why eBay doesn’t show your listings. That’s something you better ask the ebay support.

Could you send me a link to that active listing on eBay, please? It’s not clear to me if you’re refrring to a “Pro” listing design or to eBay’s own store category/ store logo panel, that’s why I am aksing.
If you select that same listing in GarageSale in Preview mode do your store name and categories show up in the listing design? (only if you’re using a Pro design)

Regards, Kristian

Hi, @kristian

It’s not active / on eBay. It has no categories list or name, so I stopped.

It is a Pro listing. Pro: Package. But I have the same problem with all of the designs in the Pro design template that I have.

It’s disconcerting enough that I have to redo every one of my listings from scratch. I am beyond frustrated now with this problem.

Do you have a store category selected in the “Options” Inspector? You need to do this first and eventually reload the Preview afterwards.

In the “Properties” Inspector the checkbox “Show Store Categories” needs to be selected, too.

If this doesn’t solve the problem could you send me a screenshot so I can see what you see in Preview mode and in the Properties Inspector?
Taking screenshots is done easily:
Press Command-Shift-4 on your keyboard simultaneously, then select an area with the cursor. It will be saved as an image file on your desktop.

Regards, Kristian

I’ve got the SHOW STORE CATEGORIES selected, as well as the SHOW CATEGORIES checked. GarageSale knows what my categories are if I click on any of the SELECT A CATEGORY dropdowns, but it won’t show in the side panel. (I have included that screenshot as well.)

And the STORE NAME is still not showing. :frowning:





Can you also show me a screenshot of the “Options” Inspector?

Thank you, Kristian



Michelle… you don’t have a store category selected :wink:
See the “Store Category” menu under the “Use eBay Store” checkbox.

After selecting a store category reload the Preview, e.g. by switching to Editor mode and then back to Preview mode.

Hope this helps,

Oh, jeez! I guess I just figured if I didn’t have the categories side panel, it was a waste of time to chose a category!

It worked like a charm!

I’m sorry for the hassle, @kristian. Thank you!

So if I use the import feature, will it work, or will it have the blanked-out and unusable PROPERTIES panel?

Or do I have to put them all back in manually?

Are you referring to the store category now or to the settings in the Properties panel?
If last: As long as a design is selected in the design browser, all Properties options will be available.

If you import a listing from eBay that you started with GarageSale and that has a listing design, the whole source code of the item description gets downloaded. This includes the code for the listing design. In this case it’s better to redo/clean the item description so you can select a design as usual afterwards.

Regards, Kristian

Properties panel.

I know it’s not the original topic, but I’m so sick of seeing my name on that front page sooooo many times!

Thank you, @kristian, for the response.

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