Title Change in Editor Pane not reflected in Listing Title, after drag-and-drop

This DID work correctly in the release of 7.0.14b5 (834) on 3/21/18.
This DID work correctly in the release of GarageSale_7_2018-03-22_3, GarageSale_7_4333 on 3/22/18.
This BROKE in the next release of GarageSale_7_2018-03-23_1, GarageSale_7_4338 on 3/23/18.

Seems to happen AFTER a drag-and-drop, which will select the newly dragged item…

Changing the title in the Editor pane is not always reflected in the listing pane, nor are the changes “saved”.

Closing the enclosing folder/group and reopening will show the correct results.

BROKE: GarageSale_7_2018-03-23_1, GarageSale_7_4338
GarageSale_7_2018-03-23_1 GarageSale_7_4338 BROKE

WORKS: GarageSale_7_2018-03-22_3, GarageSale_7_4333
GarageSale_7_2018-03-22_3 GarageSale_7_4333 WORKS

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Thanks for reporting. We’ll have a look into this.

This bug should be fixed in this release:


Yep. Fixed. Thank You!

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