Uploaded But Can't Buy GS Pro 8 Subscription

I just successfully uploaded GS Pro 8.0.11. However, I am failing every time I try to buy the subscription whether through Preferences or through Buy License. Each time I try to buy, I get the error message: “We’re sorry, an error occurred. Could not process your shopping cart. Please try again later.”

Can anyone tell me what is going on, or how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance!

I’m getting the same message


can you send me a screenshot of the exact error message? I will investigate as soon as possible.



can you tell me which macOS version do you have?



can you please try again now? Should be fixed. Sorry for the trouble.


Paul…it went thru…thank you very much…Stay safe…Ricky

I’m having this same problem when trying to upgrade to 8. Any thoughts?

Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 3.00.43 PM

I got that message when I tried to use Discover Card. You can’t use Discover Card if you are trying to.

Hmm, I never get to a screen that lets me put a credit card in. It’s immediately what I see after clicking “Buy license”. (For what it’s worth, I am trying to upgrade from a previous version of the software.)

This is a job for tech support. They are pretty fast.

Hi Allison,

this should be fixed by now. Can you try once more?


Awesome, that worked! Thanks so much, all upgraded.

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