Viewport Meta Tag incorrect or missing

We recently realized that when we clicked “mobile friendly check” on our eBay listings edit/input page that it was throwing the following error and the fonts on mobile were super small:

Viewport meta tag incorrect or missing

This tag should be included in the header for the font size in your item description to be legible on a mobile device. See less

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

I was able to bulk edit them within eBay, but since I’m working to move completely over to GarageSale for listing, I’m having to go into eBay after making a listing created in GarageSale and fix the viewport meta tag manually on each one.

Is there a fix within GarageSale for this?


If you don’t use one of the GarageSale listing designs, GarageSale won’t add the meta tag or any other code to your listing - except the content in the GarageSale footer.

If you don’t wnat to use a listing design you could simply add the requested meta tag into the footer field in the GarageSale preferences > General. It will be added to all your listings automatically.

Hope this helps,

Ah - that’s good info to know.
Thanks so much, Kristian!

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