Adding new pictures to a listing

How can I add new photos and upload to a live listing using GarageSale as closeups have been requested by a possible buyer.

If there no bids yet on your listing, it should be possible to add photos. This is how

  1. Add the photos to the listing in GarageSale’s Editor or Preview mode
  2. Select “Revise Listing” from the “•••” button. In that revise panel you probably might want to have “Revise entire listing” selected. Click the “Revise Listings” button to start the revise/upload process.
  3. If successful, check your listing in “Live” mode

If the buyer has watched the item recently and you’ve sent an offer already (and some other criteria), you may not be able to revise the listing. In that case, you can either send the pictures to the prospective buyer directly in eBay Messages, or if it is a low-traffic listing I have sometimes alerted the buyer that I can’t modify the listing, but that I can stop it and re-start it, and then once I’ve done that in GS I tell them the new URL.

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