All items mysteriously changed to Unknown for "Category 1"

I was just trying to relist an item and noticed that the “Category 1” label is marked unknown. When I went to enter it (again) it would not populate beyond the first category, even though I gave it a few minutes to appear. I moved on to another item and it too came up as unknown. I checked some listings and all of them now say unknown, I have hundreds of listings and this will take forever to repopulate. What can I do??? Why did this happen? I did not make any changes to any templates other than the one that I was trying to relist.
I went into some of my running listings and all of the proper categories are there, even though in GS it says unknown. Please help! Thanks:)

It might be that there was an eBay category update and that these categories are no longer available.

However, you should give this a try:

  1. Open the GarageSale preferences > Accounts. Click on “Refresh Token” to refresh your eBay access token.
  2. If done, select one of the listings in question and open the category browser. In that browser click on the sprocket icon to update the category data.

Check your listings afterwards.
If the select categories are still unknown after doing this you probably have to re-select/select a new category.

Regards, Kristian

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