Any help for this sync issue?

I will try and finally do this tonight!

Sadly, after 8+ hours of the 2nd Mac syncing for the first time, this is what I got:

Whatā€™s my next step? I never ran GS on my main Mac, though I am about to so I can do some listing and schedule stuff for the morning and process some orders.


After taking that screenshot [and airdropping it to the main Mac], GS crashed. I have the crash logā€¦should I DM it? I had not yet clicked on the OK button on the synch failed pop up

EDIT: so my laptop has 2GB of free space after the failed sync. There was nearly 100GB free before the sync. So now things are not running well on it. I will have to see where these big files are. Sigh.

The free space issue got worse and I had only 200MB available for a bit. It was not GSā€™s fault - I am sure it added some files to the Mac, but while the laptop was syncing GS for 7+ hours, it was also downloading 151GB of iMessage Messages. :frowning: I have Messages in iCloud enabled but for some reason it felt to fill up my 256GB SSD with 151GB of messages. I had only used about 85GB of space on the SSD before attempting the GS sync. So I now have to solve that issue. This is a new in march 2024 laptop [M1 MacBook Air]. I posted to the Apple Discussion Forums in hopes someone has a tip: Messages filled up my MacBook Air - Apple Community

The crash logs arenā€™t helpful, since GarageSaleā€™s built-in crash catcher totally messes it up in order to crash the catch.

But if you can could send us your Crash ID from the About GarageSale window, that would be very helpful.

Will do. If it crashes again, I will do that. Iā€™m slowly moving stuff off the laptop - it turns out that during the 36+ hour sync, I had not had the laptop open and online for that long before, so iCloud decided to download 150GB of iMessage attachments and filled my SSD while GS was in the midst of syncing. I am sure the crash happened due to the fact that GS could no longer download data due to Messages in iCloud running amok. The fix for this is not simple and lots of complaints from others over the years have me thinking Apple isnā€™t interested in fixing this. But as soon as I try again and if it crashes again, I can send that info.

Iā€™m unsure if I should delete the GS library or sync folder before starting my next attempt. Also complicating this is the continuing issues with cell service and DSL/home internet service here as I suffered a 14 hour outage on both yesterday, and I am unsure how GS reacts to interrupted first syncs.

Some good news - after doing some space freeing up on the laptop, the initial sync went thru fine. Iā€™ve been doing a bunch of ends/relists on my main Mac, so the totals are not perfect, but I am sure that will correct over time.

Question - how do I copy my preferences from the main Mac to my laptop? I was surprised to find that was not part of the sync data. Thanks!

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If multiple people are working on the same synching account, each of them might to have different preferences. Also, handling conflicts in preferences makes the synching feature even more complicated, for us develops and the users.

If you want to synch your preferences, try this:

In GarageSale on the source Mac, choose ā€œShow Library Folderā€ from the ā€œHelpā€ menu, and command-click on the window tile until you reach the first ā€œLibraryā€ parent. From there, go down to ā€œPreferencesā€ and copy the ā€œcom.iwascoding.garagesale9.plistā€ file to your other Mac at the very same spot.

Restarting the Mac you copied the file to might be a good idea, to make sure that the macOS preference system picks up the change file.

@ilja That worked great, thank you! I only had to redo a few things - my webdav over SSL and my actual eBay account info. All my templates and other prefs went over very smoothly. Thank you thank you thank you!

One oddity - on my main Mac, in the prefs for the Pro tab, it gives me the number of listings started this month - accurate and has syncing enabled. On the laptop, it has 0 listings started this month - technically that is correct if it means from the laptop, not my eBay account using GS. Also the laptop complains that I am using syncing with only one Mac. That box used to be up on my main Mac until I got sync to work with the laptop. So it is a bit weird the laptop is now complaining as it should know my data is going to your server and then my main Mac.

I will be using my Mac laptop to see if some of the GS quirks Iā€™ve had on my Mac Studio happen on the laptop - the constant cursor unfocusing, the ghost scrolling in the scheduling window, etc. If I can replicate that on a single monitor system like my laptop, I will DM you a video or a link to a video showing the behavior as it is very difficult to describe. But I can replicate it on my main Mac daily.

Itā€™s about 4am. Time for bed for 2-3 hours, then back to work. :slight_smile: Thank you again for your patience in helping me get this first [and continued] sync to work.

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