Auto decline price is too high false alert


Getting this error when revising a listing even though the numbers are correct and the auto decline is not higher than the starting bid.

It will revise and relist it correctly but this pop up comes up all the time in the launch control pop up.

Using 9.8b6 (1673)

Just letting you know!

Screen Shot 2024-07-19 at 1.36.24 PM

Can you post a screenshot of your listing’s price and Best Offer settings, please?

Even if you get this error in Launch Control the listing uploads just fine, did I get this correctly?

Hi Kristian, yea they revise or post fine, I just tend to ignore this warning now.

Usually happens when an item is switched from store to auction format or vice versa at times and the warning with the red exclamation appears, then on relisting or revising the pop up appears about the auto decline price too high but still revises or posts fine.

Seems like its not updating the data from the starting bid or the best offer fields is not getting the data from the starting bid or buy it now price and causing this red circle exclamation to appear and then the pop up window warning as well.

Screen Shot 2024-07-22 at 7.12.28 AM

Here is another screenshot, this one of the pop up window, again it posts fine or revises fine.

edit: I just realized it says:

“the auto decline price has to be higher than your starting bid”

shouldnt it be the opposite?

“the auto decline price has to be lower than your starting bid”

Even if correct on my numbers, it seems its giving this warning because its looking for the wrong thing, it wants you to input a number higher than your starting bid on the auto decline field?

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Also of note: the first one doesn’t give that warning even though it has the same type of fields as the other ones, so it seems like its grabbing at certain listings. I do some probably unorthodox things with my listings so it could be something I am doing but this just started up fairly recently so I do think its some coding issue perhaps. Thanks again, not at all worried, I know you guys are on it.

Thank you for sending the screenshots! I think there’s a glitch in GarageSale validation method. We will have a look at this.


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