Baseball card condition not working

I am trying to re-list some baseball cards. I am getting the following error:

Please use the new Condition Grading conditions and descriptors.
The Grade, Grader and Card Condition aspects will be deprecated in the near future.
Please use the new Condition Grading conditions and descriptors.
Card Condition (40001) is a required field.

I have tried to make changes but it isn’t working. I can make those changes directly using eBay’s add item but not using Garage sale. Please help

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Could you post a screenshot of that error so we can see what you see?
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Also, please let us know which version of GarageSale you have installed. (Just select ‘About GarageSale’ from the ‘GarageSale’ menu in GarageSale.)

My Garage sale is up-to date - V9.3
here is the error that i get

gs error

They changed the requirements recently for trading cards, I think it has to do with the condition having to be either Graded or Ungraded.

See this for reference …

I am aware of the changes. The problem is that when I try to change my listings (ended auction that I need to re-list) with the ungraded parameter and the card condition in garage sale I can’t upload it to eBay. I can make the appropriate changes directly on ebay but is it much more time consuming and defeats the purpose of using garage sale to create, change and track all items.
Thank you for your information and help with issue.


as far as I currently understand, the new eBay fields for Card Condition, Grade and Grader are currently not supported by GarageSale and we have to alter GarageSale to support these new fields.

Until then you either have to list through the eBay website or you use the old “Used” condition with the attributes for Grade, Grader and Card Condition and ignore the warning.

Best Regards,
Paul Hecker

The 2 suggestions that you make will not work. Having over 100 cards listing them through eBay would be too big a task and I wouldn’t be able to track them on garage sale the way I do now. I purchased garage sale so that I wouldn’t have to use the eBay interface. I can’t use the old parameters because garage sale doesn’t allow me to upload.
For now I will have to wait until garage sale is updated. I am I am disappointed that I can’t use my allotted ebay quotas this month. Please fix it soon!

Sorry, but you should still be able to list the listing in the “old” way. This includes selecting the “Used” condition and adding the grade values in the attributes. There should only be a warning about using the new grading condition that you can ignore for now.

Can you please export the listing and send it over to me?



just saw your screenshot of the error panel. This error only states that you have to select the “Card Condition” attribute in the attributes panel. Afterwards the error should go away and you should be able to list.


I can (and will) use this work-around but I would like to be able to comply with the eBay preferences. Please let me know when this is fixed. Thank you for your help.

I am having the same exact issue. AND, the workaround doesn’t seem to work for me. I wonder if I am doing something incorrect? I think I have all the correct attributes and item specifics selected…

Do we have an estimated plan for us to have a working version?

I wonder if that workaround worked for @rdk. If so, it would work for you (@jsnoah), too.

As Paul already mentioned, we will implement these new field in GarageSale. Please be patient, as it is currently vacation time for many of us.
I hope the workaround finally works for you for now.

The work-around does work but it is very frustrating. It means that I have to adjust all my listings twice - once for the workaround and then again once it is fixed. I have a lot of listings I would like to have an idea of how long this will take. I don’t know if I need to do the double work or if I can hold off on re-listing things until it is fixed.

Found This:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Can you give us a short explanation what this is doing? So we know what link we are clicking here?

Nevermind, I corrected your link.

It explains the structure for the new condition configurations.

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