Been Gone, Don't Have PW, Can't Open GS


I am having a terrible time here.

I was absent from the scene for more than a year due to a stroke and only got back to being able to think about going back to eBay yesterday.

I found out then that I’ve been paying for both eBay and Garage Sale for more than a year now.

I think I can deal with that loss of savings but need to get GS up and running in order to do that.

I have two problems trying to get it back up:

First, I can’t remember my password to get into GarageSale, and second, I can’t get it to open because no matter what I do, it is not responding. It appears I have more than enough RAM, so I’m confused.

GS Not Responding

The first thing you should do is to check if you are using the latest version 9 of GarageSale. If in doubt just download the latest version from the GarageSale website here:

Before downloading the latest version, you might want to put any older version into the trash.

Please note that GarageSale 9 is a major new version and requires an upgrade license or an active GarageSale Pro subscription.
As far as I can see you don’t have both. You had a GarageSale Pro subscription till ~end of September 2020 as far as I can see.

It should be possible to re-subscribe after you have you signed-in with your Pro account. If you no longer remember your Pro account password I can send you a “Reset Password” email.

Hi, kristian,

I did install a new copy before I posted here.

I have an active GarageSale Pro subscription. It’s the one I mentioned in my first message; one for which I have been paying for the last year or so while I was unable to use GarageSale or eBay while I was working on being able to talk or really think.

In early 2021, I was having problems with my payments because IWasCoding is in another country.

On March 8, 2021, you walked me through starting a new account. From that email:

“However, it’s important that you do this on another macOS user account. On that other macOS user account start GarageSale and create a new Pro account there using a different email address. Try to subscribe then.

“If successful, switch back to your standard macOS user account, open GarageSale and sign-in with your newly created Pro account. The system should recognize your new, active subscription automatically after signing-in.”

The account is in my husband’s name and his credit card. My last payment, according to the invoice, for GarageSale Pro (Monthly) was January 13, 2023.

Yes. Please send me a “Reset Password” email.


Please contact our support directly:

I don’t know your husband’s name and so I don’t know what your GarageSale Pro account/email address is.

Also, can you let me know at what step GarageSale 9.2.1 is “Not Responding”? Could it be that there is a system message when you start GarageSale?

I sent you the “Reset Password” email.

Michelle sent me a video through the support channel. The issue is that she gets the system prompt
GarageSale wants to use your confidential information stored in your keychain
when trying start GarageSale.

When you get this system prompt you just need to enter your macOS user password and then click the “Always Allow” button. Please note that you probably get multiple prompts which can be irritating but is totally normal.

Please see FAQ #1 for more details:

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