I’ve been sending out more offers lately, and needed a quick way to see all offers sent out for a specific item. I created a super simple applescript to exploit the eBay offer page, then added it to a mac shortcut via the shortcuts app, and finally tied it to a keystroke (I used control-O).
So now if I select a listing in garagesale and hit control-O, it opens safari to the eBay Offers page for that item.
Simple applescript
tell application "GarageSale"
repeat with theListing in (get selected ebay listings)
set valueitem to the item id of theListing
set valueitemURL to "https://www.ebay.com/bo/seller/showOffers/" & valueitem
tell application "Safari"
open location valueitemURL
end tell
end repeat
end tell
I shared the shortcut I made, it can be downloaded here:
screenshot of the shortcut
Don’t highlight a bunch of listings, it will open a tab for each item selected.