Bug updating tracking codes and shipped status for orders with many items

this is not a recent bug, but since I recently started selling with auctions, I am encountering now this annoying bug due to more orders to manage.
In few words, when I have a lot of orders to mark as “shipped” and uploading tracking code for in the GS order page, the background activities stuck on certain orders. In particular, the activity windows shows the same order ID in an infinite loop of updating which never goes on. Checking that specific ID, I found that orders that block the process are always those with at least 20 (or more) items inside (all sold with auctions, no fixed price). Somehow GS activity in background blocks.
What really worries me is not that specific order (I can update one single order from ebay website). What is really annoying and dangerous is that this bug blocks the entire process of orders updating, which means that all queued orders actually do not update in ebay. Result: you risk to receive a large number of transaction defects on ebay sellers’ reliability for late shipping. Yesterday, for example, GS orders’ activity blocked and didn’t update 22 orders on about 100 I already marked as shipped. I had to manually update them from ebay site. Fortunately I noticed ebay hub was showing an high number of orders to be shipped… Maybe I am wrong, but I am quite sure it depends on the tracking code uploaded from GS to ebay, more than the simple “shipped” status check.
Let me know if there is any data I can send you to fix it.

Thank you

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A log of the communication with eBay would be helpful.

If you know you are going to mark another order with items from auctions as shipped, please enable remote logging before doing so and send us the ids of the auctions and orders.

Here is how to do that:

  • Start GarageSale with the control key held down
  • Enable the remote logging check box and using this id: VMzHrq

Hi @ilja ,
done, I hope you received the data, because here the situation is still blocked. A short summary:

  • Here some orders which seemed to be blocked, but then updated and activity proceed:

Schermata 2024-11-04 alle 18.15.38
Schermata 2024-11-04 alle 18.18.49

  • but then the final one which blocked everything:

Schermata 2024-11-04 alle 18.22.14

  • also this warning appeared

Schermata 2024-11-04 alle 18.31.15

  • but same order blocked

Schermata 2024-11-04 alle 18.31.25

Now I am still waiting (with no hopes…) it will update remaining orders that I marked as shipped, but arestill not shipped in ebay. I hope my data will help you!!
Let me know please.

Thanks, I’ll scan the logs and see if i can figure something out.

Please also disable the logging for now by restarting GS with the control key down and unchecking the remote logging box.

How many items are in this “18-12264-59815”? I gave up after counting 50.

Just disabled

The buyer who made this order has two separated invoices:

18-12264-59815 = order made on ebay.de website, 35 items inside

18-12264-59813 = order made on ebay.it website, 6 items included

ebay does not let me merge purchases made from different ebay sites into a unique invoice, this is why thus customer has two invoices. Let me know if you need anything else

We could pinpoint the error, but we changed the way the requests are sent to eBay in the just released beta version of GS 9.9.

Please give it a try once you find some time, and let us know if the issue is still there.

Hi @ilja , ok thanks, I will update now, then I will ship next bunch of orders tomorrow evening. Let’s see if something change. If not, I will report.

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Hi @ilja ,
here in macOS 15.1 bugs of stuck orders are back. Sometimes an error message appear when trying to upload tracking. Moreover, I am also having problems when I try to send messages on orders made on ebay.de website (“item not found”). Here some screen. Let me know if we can do again the logging.

Screenshot 2024-11-25 alle 18.22.48
Screenshot 2024-11-27 alle 19.37.09