Bug with listing revisions

I’ve been noticing when doing revisions within a listing - such as changing the price or shipping cost - those changes aren’t always made on eBay’s side if I choose “Revise Selected Properties Only” vs “Revise Entire Listing”.

I noticed this before and noticed it again today. I made several changes to listings last night and when I opened a particular listing on eBay, the changes I made with GS were not made within the live listing.

I tried making these revisions on the listing again today and the listing hasn’t still hasn’t changed on eBay’s side.

Edit: If I select “Revise Entire Listing” the changes are implemented. The problem is with “Revise Selected Properties Only”.

Hi heather,

can you describe precisely what changes you made in GarageSale and what property/properties you selected in the Revise panel?
Maybe you can make some screenshot to show us?

Please let us know which version of GarageSale you have installed. (Just select ‘About GarageSale’ from the ‘GarageSale’ menu in GarageSale.)

Regards, Kristian

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