Cannot sign in to eBay account

Long time user, have not listed anything with Garagesale for a while, now I cannot login to my account. I updated the software, deleted my account, deleted the relevant keychain entries, rebooted, etc. The login screen won’t even try, no movement from it at all, I can login to ebay from a browser no problem Please help.

Additionally, even the Switch Account link is non-functional, it does nothing.

I am assuming that you are using an older version of macOS. That eBay login page doesn’t seem to work well with older macOS versions, unfortunately.

What worked for others was to re-select the 2-factor-authentication on the eBay website. After doing this fetching the eBay token in GarageSale worked for them again.
You might want to give that a try.

Same problem for me (to get a fresch token…) I don’t succeed… OsX 10.12

It might help to actual re-select the 2-factor-authentication method directly on the eBay website. After doing this fetching the eBay token in GarageSale worked again for other 10.12 users.

In my case, I tracked it down to the OS version I was using, and actually bought a new enough laptop to replace it. I will try your 2-factor authentication workaround though, so as to learn if I had to actually make the purchase. Thank you.

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