Design Language Question - Show Thumbnails - Link to Full Size

If you click on one of your images inside the editor and bring up a contextual menu using the control key you will see that one of the choices is to see the image’s location in the Finder (i.e., where its stored on your Mac within GS’s hierarchy of files). You will see that there is a full size version of the image you imported and a thumbnail.

The thumbnail sees to vary in size, but appears to have a maximum dimension of 512. The finder says the largest is 511, but I am guessing it must be 512 due to the count starting at 0. If this correct?

The following code inserts a caption and the full size image within a division called “gsimagewrapper”, which is limited to 96vw of the user’s screen. The image acts as a link to the full size image. Although the image does not appear full size within the listing it is actually loading the full size image into user’s browser, which could be slow for mobile users due to bandwidth issues.

How do I modify this code to have GS show the smaller thumbnail in the listing, but still link to the full size image. This would mean GS would need to send both the thumbnail and the full size image to my ftp server. This would save on loading times for the user as the smaller thumbnails would be loaded as opposed to the full size images. Any user wanting to see the full size images would click the link above each image.

[[foreach image item.auctionImages imagesThumbLoop]]

<div class="gsimagecaption">
    ~ Click Image to View Full Size ~

<div class="gsimagewrapper">
    <a href="[[image.imageURL]]" target="">
        <img class="gsimage" src="[[image.imageURL]]">

[[endforeach imagesThumbLoop]]

Right now the thumbnail images are generated for speeding up GarageSale only. They are not uploaded to the image server.

I don’t see how uploading an additional thumbnail would speed up loading the page, as we still would need to embed the linked to the full size image in the listing.

Note sure eBay would like it, if we opened an extra page with the full size image.

Right now the thumbnail images are generated for speeding up GarageSale only. They are not uploaded to the image server.

Thanks for information. I was aware that they were not being uploaded to the ftp server as I checked that with a ftp client; however, I was just wondering if there were some undocumented method to access the thumbs within GS.

I don’t see how uploading an additional thumbnail would speed up
loading the page, as we still would need to embed the linked to the full
size image in the listing.

Assuming eBay allows links to external pages showing images this would speed up the initial load time of the eBay listing page by embedding the thumbnails instead of the full size images. The full size images would be accessed on a separate page.

Note sure eBay would like it, if we opened an extra page with the full size image.

eBay has not given any official word yet on links to pictures yet and we will not find out until Mid 2017. All such links are currently being flagged as active content; however, some eBay sellers think they may make an exception for pictures.

Since we have until Mid 2017 I thought I’d make another version of my main template using the thumbnails and possible use that until then or at least compare the usability of such a template to the other versions I have been testing.

If eBay decides to allow links to full size image, we’ll re-evulate a thumbnail-upload feature. It would make sense for sellers uploading high-resolution images. But for now, the chances are too high that our work would be in vain.

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