Disappeared listings sometimes... reappear

@ilja thanks for this. So can I sleep tight that nothing changed/disappeared?
You should add it in the manual, in my own opinion, adding also a big warning that it is very time consuming… later I will try again with “orphaned listings” and let you know.

@ilja good news. I tried with the new version. “lost and found” is empty, however searching CAIB9 and selecting, now remains selected as is shown where it was aspected to be. In fact, if I look into folders, now those lost listings are reappeared… but why are not in the “lost and found” folder??? Now I have to look into each folder if there is something “reappeared” :frowning: .
I can add one thing that maybe can help you investigating this issue. I noticed that those reappeared listings are modified!! I mean, I did some bulk editing over those folders, and disappeared listings show those modifies! So they were really there and were bulk edited, although they were no visible.
Please let me know something new.

Thank you

16 listings were found… although I have some hounders mysteriously “disappeared” (totally, so no tracks also using the search)

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