Ebay fee of 0.35 USD with GS and 0.00 USD on eBay.com


I listed a few items with GarageSale these last days and there was always a fee of 0.35 USD.
When listing directly on eBay.com, the fee was 0.00 USD.

eBay.com renews its 50 free listings offer every month.
I’m not sure if GarageSale takes this into account or if the 0.35 USD comes from the fact that eBay’s API returns this value when querying for publishing a new listing.

Most of my items are in “List until deletion” (=permanent) mode.
According to eBay’s documentation, such listings are automatically renewed every month and are taken into account in the available free listing amount.
This means that, in theory, if you have 50 items published as permanent listings, there should be no one more available to list for free and every new insertion should cost 0.35 USD.
But the fact is that you can still list at 0.00 USD when doing it on eBay.com.

Let’s take a basic example.
Assume you listed 50 items on June 15, and eBay.com.
eBay offers you a new 50 free listings pack, from July 1 to 31.
In this scenario, I assume that, the charges for new listings are be 0.00 USD on eBay.com until July 14. (not in GarageSale however). On July 15, eBay would automatically renew the 50 listings that were publish on June 15.
So, on eBay.com you would have the illusion of free until July 15.
On July 15, the total number of listings exceeds 50 because of the old ones were automatically renewed, and the fees would apply to some (or all) of the renewed listings.

So one assumption is that eBay’s API and GarageSale take into account the total number of active listings and show the real cost of adding new listings (i.e. what will be charged at the end of the month), whilst eBay.com’s website would give the illusion of free until new listings are auto-renewed?
Is this assumption correct ?

What I observe on eBay’s invoice of June, where I had little above 50 listings, is that eBay charged fee for all listings, at least for all those done through GarageSale.
Then, it applied a discount which was 35 USD in my case.
However, this seems meaning 100 listings, not 50.
(Maybe because taking into account the discount for 50 free listings from previous months?)

All this is very confusing and I would like to here about the experience of other users with a longer historical perspective.


Unfortunately, you can not really on the fee forecast shown in GarageSale. For the past 15 years eBay has been unable to provide third-parties with a reliable for providing upfront frees, that considers your account level, listings already listing, and currently active promotions.

As a general rule, you should always get the same price as when listing with GarageSale as with eBay’s website, unless there’s a special promotion going on that specifically excludes third-party tools.

Thank you ilja.

I see that eBay isn’t much better for developers than for sellers.

My experience of eBay is worsening every day …
Unfortunately because your software is great.

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I can’t figure out working without GS, eBay would be a pain in the neck (and also somewhere else!!)

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The same for me. :blush:

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