eBay FEEDBACK/ Smartgroups guidance

Using all the latest versions, and need some guidance on eBay and GS FEEDBACK.
Here’s my process…
-Sell an item
-Ship the item
-Send customer a templated email with tracking number, reminding them of feedback.
-Send them feedback AFTER they send feedback to me FIRST.

There’s the rub.

In GS, under ORDERS, the sold item moves through the Smart-groups from Ready to Ship to Awaiting Feedback to Send Feedback to Completed Transaction.
IF someone NEVER leaves feedback, I won’t leave them feedback either, and after a time, will consider it a completed transaction.

How can I get this to push to COMPLETED without the feedback from them or me?


These default smart groups are just there to get you started. You can always remove or edit them so they better fit your needs.

How about adjusting the “Completed” smart group so that it ignores the feedback state?
Or how about creating your own an additional “Completed without feedback” smart group?

See the Smart Group chapter in the help to find out more.

Thanks Kristian, this helps. I’ll play around with these. I was hoping some others might chime in with an example or two of what they have done, but thanks again.

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