eBay New Conditions for Pre-Loved Clothing

eBay recently emailed me about changes to the condition field. The condition drop-down on GS shows the old values. Do you plan to update this in a future release?

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They say it’s starting mid-February. As far as I can tell the new condition values should be available automatically when eBay provide them in next category data update. (The condition values are part of the category data which GarageSale updates regularly.)

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Thank you, the eBay message said Feb. 4th, and I had not seen anything

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It started rolling out to users on Feb 4th, but not everyone is seeing the changes just yet. I have a few clothing items listed and haven’t, but I know other US sellers who have had the change affect their listings. I guess eBay is rolling out the changes from Feb 4th to sometime in mid February.

eBay Delay Affects Sellers Poised to Update Listings


The same happened in ebay.it:


What is really astonishing, ebay keeps putting description as far as possible from customers’ attention. You spend hours making descriptions as best as possible with all details, than none reads them and ebay thinks that a simple “bad-good-excellent” flag is enough and worse, that it substitutes your description. Adding insult to injury, after spending hours for making detailed descriptions that none reads, now other hours revising your items and then your listings one by one. Fortunately, I gave up with selling this items in ebay…

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Yes, I agree. Very sad! :frowning:



You have 1 line to fill in to get the buyers attention. It is the “condition description” line. I wish it could easily be populated because I have time constraints.

It would be REALLY GREAT if I could somewhere (global preference???) just automatically say "make the “condition description” field exactly the same as the “Description” field, including with all the Text Snippet substitutions. Even when I change the “Description” field.

Maybe a global preference that says "when uploading to eBay, copy the “Description” field to the “condition description” field…

The “Description” field {{textblocks.xyz}} do not currently convert in the “condition description” field.

Here is one of my “Description” fields:
It includes Only the Instruction Sheets.
They are in Great condition. See photos of actual item. What You See Is What You Get.


Ebay limits you to 1 1/2 lines of text.

ebay only shows little text, then you have to click on the link that brings you to the description. So now I use items’ attributes instead of description, they are more visible. Also, I use textblocks in item’s condition description (with [[…]] parenthesis) that are then automatically copied in the description. It works the contrary, but does partially what you are looking for.

How does that work???

I ALWAYS use the Editor Mode, NOT Preview Mode. And it is MUCH easier and more visible to edit the Description, rather than the Condition Description.

Also, not sure why Description uses “{{” and Condition Description uses “[[” for Text Snippets…


FYI, this is happening very, very soon. So hopefully GS will be updated before it does. It was supposed to happen Feb 4th. See attachment.

FYI: The new condition values are available the next time GarageSale automatically updates the category data from eBay.

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