eBay US "Payment Terms of Use" blocking listings

I’m in Canada, using eBay.ca. I started to receive the red alert message as of 9:30am January 25. Had no problems before, including earlier in the day. It won’t allow me to list unless I accept the new payments terms, which I did several months ago. Any progress out here about resolving this?

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Via the threads I started on the eBay group, this seems like they know about the bug at least


And it seems to be fixed, for me, here. 100% success rate with launching new listings.

They probably fixed it a while ago, but morons like me kept throwing API requests at the server apps that were broken and needed to spin down to be replaced :slight_smile:

Here is a new variation of what I saw yesterday. payment terms

It’s working for me now. I am able to list as at 1:30pm Eastern Time, January 25.

It is super weird to me that you got a warning @rlmartin, while I got an error, but it’s water under the bridge I suppose.

I went to the warning page that was listed and accepted the new policy. WoW it takes forever to read all that junk.:shushing_face: Yeah right! No warnings pop up after I clicked accept

I saw that today but just followed the link and accepted the eBay terms (do i even have a choice?) and everything is now honky-dory.

LOL. Yes, by coincidence. Best not to worry about it. I’m pretty sure that form was actually from late 2021, and the link was not supposed to show at all until they post the next ToS update.

It’s like something that makes you want to visit a doctor, but which goes away before you get around to making the appointment…

We are getting the same message when listing in GS 8.4.1 current edition …in Australia on ebay.com.au .

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