Export Listings as .CSV?

Hi GS Team,

I wonder if there is a possibility to have .CSV data exported from GarageSale 8 listings? Importing is currently possible for:

  • title
  • sku
  • price
  • quantity
  • cost
  • barcode
  • description

I wonder if the same information can be exported? I am experimenting with some automation processes and wanted to see if created listings can export any data to .CSV? Specifically Title & Condition Details would be extremely helpful.

Thanks for your help,


GarageSale 8 has a powerful CSV import function but not a CSV export function, sorry.

That’s no longer true. With GarageSale 8 you can import various CSV formats:

Regards, Kristian

Thanks for the updates for CSV import formats. I will experiment with automation Before importing to see if that works.

Otherwise, could iwascoding consider adding a feature to export simple CSV data fields?

There is a weird workaround for doing this via reports, but the only field that I need is something like Condition Details in addition to the item title.

That feature would be a godsend. I already asked in the past for an export feature. It has been years I am wondering about working with other sites like abebooks, but any solution I found implied leaving GS and still today I can’t work properly on any other site due to this lack…

@anthony_d if I can ask, how can you do these automation processes? It sounds interesting for me…

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